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"In conversations, all I'm thinking is how can I sow a seed here".

Blu Vasquez

Meet Blu

Certified Lay Preacher, public speaker, mother, small business owner

I knew very early on in my journey with God that He would use my life experiences for the benefit of bringing others to Him. I have lived a life and a half! And God in His goodness, has redeemed all. He healed my brokenness, brought me out of addiction, and restored me to wholeness.


Now I want to tell everyone of His goodness. I share my testimony, because I know my story will help many people see that you are simply never too far gone for God to pull you up out of the ashes and restore you to life.

- "to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning" Isaiah 61:3

Picture of Blu

They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony" - Revelation 12:11

"I was very impressed with Blu's knowledge of pruning roses, so engaged her initially for that, and she did a thorough and excellent job. I find Blu reliable, amiable, and a pleasure to work with. I have no hesitation in recommending her."

- Barbara

Gardening client

“Collaborating with Blu on various projects has been a true delight. She is not only dependable, and diligent, but also brings a wonderful sense of humour to the team.”

- Kelleigh

Founder of Life Essence Ministries

"I bought two candles, and loved their uniqueness. Not only do they smell wonderful and last a long time, but I loved the story behind each candle relating to themes in the Bible. God's love and mercy. I highly recommend these products. I look forwrd to buying some more!


Founder & CEO

One step at a time counselling

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